Running with Sherman, Christopher McDougall

Running with Sherman, Christopher McDougall


Running Books


Chris McDougall, of Born to Run fame, has a new heart warming and mega inspiring story to share with us. Once again he proves what an emotive writer he is and illustrates how he manages to use his curiosity to smell out great stories that inspire the heck out of us all.

Christopher McDougall, Running with Sherman
Christopher McDougall, Running with Sherman


Chris McDougall’s first book Born to Run was a sensation, inspiring millions to find new enjoyment in their running. This latest book – Running with Sherman – will have you falling in love with running all over again and inspire you to feed the fun in your runs. It will also nurture a desire in you to get a goat (yes, goat. Or donkey for the more adventurous and patient) – or is that just me?

The magic of Chris is his combination of curiosity, open heartedness and warmth. Oh, and a very adventurous spirit. So, this is not just a book about racing with a donkey; it’s about our need as a species to connect with the world around us; to give, to receive and to learn from nature, animals and fellow humans. To tolerate and encourage the vast variety of expression that we humans embody. What could be more prescient at this time of global climate emergency and mental health concerns?

I devoured this book and it’s left me with more wonder at the world and more hope for us all. This is not just a book for the sporty or the adventurous, it will help anyone who’s struggling, anyone who’s feeling trapped, anyone who feels the world can be too judgemental or too restricting in its expectations. From trying to find a way to cheer up a sad donkey, Chris ends up discovering secrets to aid mental health, how discipline can make you much happier, and crucially in these divided times how to have a great experience and forge respect for those on the polar opposite ends of the political scale from yourself.

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